Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A Blip

This post is largely to explain a brief Blogger hiccup some of you may have noticed. Sometime yesterday, BlogSpot went blooey, leaving everyone who didn't host their Blogger blog on their own webspace sans blog. This is not a big deal for my regular blog, which is updated very infrequently. But it was a problem because I'd just put a new story part up at StormWyvern Press (link to the right). Fortunately, I could still log onto Blogger and view my posts. Only the blogs themselves were gone. Worried that the situation might get worse, I grabbed everything I had written of "The Last Battle" so far and saved it to my computer. Today, everything seems to be fine, though I haven't seen any explanation as to why the outage happened. So I'm posting here largely to let people know that both blogs appear to be up again and there's new content at StormWyvern Press.

We're now fully into the holiday season over here. So far, this mostly means trying to get our shopping done. We've had our first snow that stayed around, measuring in at roughly three inches. We're supposed to get more today. "Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" comes out this week and I'll likely go to see it at my earliest convenience. My family - both the human and bunny members - is well and the house is staying relatively warm so far this winter, though we do need to get our windows replaced sometime when the weather is warmer.

So take a look at StormWyvern Press, as that's where the party is these days. Take care.


Angry Android said...

I'm surprised you don't write your story on your computer first then 'port it over to Blogger.

Sara said...

It seems like that would make more sense, but I ended up doing it the other way. It seems to be working, even if it isn't the most logical way to go about it.