Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I just haven't felt like doing anything today. Why is that when Andrew tells me to be productive and spend some time drawing as he leaves for work, I end up completely not wanting to do either? Of course, I haven't in really wanted to draw for a long time, but that's another issue.

I spent most of the morning in bed. I haven't been able to really sleep in at all since we got Dante and I just wanted to rest. Dante likes sleeping on the bed, though he's not supposed to do it unless one of us is there to invite him. So he just curled up next to me and stayed there. I was glad for his company and for knowing that he wasn't getting into trouble.

Usually, I don't mind being alone for most of the day on most days. I can often get more done that way and do what I want without having to worry about anyone else's preferences for a while. But every once in a while, it loses its charm. I wish there was someone I could call or someone who would call me and just talk about how I was doing. I wish I had someone I could go to for advise about how to get past the points where I feel stuck. And no, this isn't a "subtle" way of asking whoever might be reading this to pay more attention to me. Through no one's fault but my own, I just don't have the kind of friendships where I can talk about these minor issues on a daily basis without it being a big deal with lots of catching up and possibly more worry than is necessary involved. Again, not anybody's fault but my own.

More upbeat post next time.

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