Tuesday, August 22, 2006

W Minus Five: Real Progress

Now this is more like it. I think the list is actually getting smaller. Andrew's family is now back in town and his sister has been a huge help. Stuff has just generally been coming together in the past few days. Plus, Andrew is done with his job, so I can freely bug him to do wedding related stuff.

Things That Are Done (Or Mostly Done)

Pen for the guest book - Andrew's dad is supplying us with a nice pen from his large collection of free pens he's received. This is a relief, since pens seem to cost either 99 cents or 30 dollars with not much in the middle.

Confirm ceremony plan - Our officiant is all set on what we want to do. Just one or two tiny details to iron out, but this is essentially done.

Get hairclips and other dress accessories - Meredith and I visited the mall last night and got this taken care of.

Make emergency kit - We also took care of most of this at the mall. We still need some lipstick and a travel sewing kit, which Meredith is taking care of. Aside from that, maybe a nice bag to put it all in.

Clothes shopping with Andrew - This may not be necessary anymore, but even if it is, it shouldn't be too tough.

Plan family lunch - I think we're on for Friday, probably at Lexx in the center. Note to self: Call on Friday to reserve a table.

Figure out jobs for people - I think this is pretty much worked out. I should work out who will take what to the site and make sure they have it ahead of time.

Finalize menu with planner - I just got off the phone with her. All I need to do is make sure we have a final seating count and get the name of the person who will be there on the day.

Things To Do

Buy other part of favors - This should be really easy.

Get something old and something borrowed - I know what the something old is and will pick it up on Friday.

Resize Andrew's ring - We'll be doing this today or tomorrow.

Call and confirm vendors - I will probably do this Thursday or Friday. The only one I absolutely need to talk to is the photographer.

Check prices for parking garages - This is easy, I just need to sit down and do it.

Tell Andrew I love him - It's not that I haven't; I just need to keep it up.

Bonus: Andrew is working on cleaning today!

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