Thursday, July 28, 2005

And Now, The Kittens

Don't worry. I haven't expanded my fuzzy family, or at least, not the immediate one. But remember how I said there was some big news a while back? Well this is it. I just wanted to wait until I had pictures.

A month or so ago, my sister and her boyfriend adopted two little kittens from a rescue organization. They're now about three months old and pretty well adjusted to their new home and people, from what I hear.

That's Phoebe

That's Owen

Since I haven't actually met them yet, there not too much more to say. I am working on a report on my trip to ComicCon, but it's kind of slow going. Once I work my way through that, I'll have more new stuff to discuss. For now, enjoy the cute kitties.


Anonymous said...



I'm so glad she adopted! They're adorable!

See, people? You CAN get kittens from shelters!!! ^_^

trekker9er said...

Owen is adorable!

And Phoebe, well I've always liked all grey cats.